- Turn in Disaster Movie Summary, 5 facts and 5 fibs for stamps and comments. (returned at the end of class)
- Finish Chasing Ice
- Study for the Climate Test on Monday
- everything since we returned from Spring Break
- Organize your notebook - Due Friday!!
- Work on your Disaster Movie Project
- You should have a clear idea of the plot of your movie
- You should be able to identify or add in at least 5 Geoscientific Facts that your story is build around.
- Geoscience Fact - about the Earth or processes that happen on Earth and in Earth systems.
- Must be detailed enough to prove that you have LEARNED SOMETHING about Earth in class this year.
- Must be supported with evidence from a credible source.
- You must cite the source MLA style.
- You should also have included and be able to explain in detail 5 Geoscientific Lies or Fibs that your story is built around.