- Welcome Back
- Grades - 1st Semester grades are posted on Family Link - sign up to check your grade regularly if you haven't already.
- Info about 2nd Semester
- Surprise Journal Assignment
- Keep a journal of moments in each day when you feel surprised or something happens that you didn't expect.
- These moments can be anything. Ex: earning a different grade than you thought you would, be good / bad at something when you thought you would do differently, any moment when events are different than you expected.
- Write about each one in the following way;
- Moment: describe what the moment of surprise was.
- Why did it surprise you: explain why it was unexpected or a surprise.
- What does it tell you?: What did you learn from this moment or how has it changed your thinking?
- Your goal is to do 15 each week.
- You may make a journal out of construction paper and computer paper - you do not need to buy a journal for this assignment!
- Due Wednesday: Glaciers Questions