- Read Cloud Formation and answer questions
- Get Cloud Spotter wheel and use it to fill in the clouds chart
- Use the textbook to draw the clouds diagram
- Answer the clouds chart questions
- Finish the clouds diagram from the book
- Answer the clouds chart questions
- Work on the 5 facts and 5 fibs for the disaster movie project
EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY: Cloud Formation Diagram - Due no later than Wednesday, April 30.
- Observe any of the four methods of lifting air and forming clouds that we learned in class and take a photograph of it. Tell me where the photo is and when it was taken please.
- Label the type of lifting and what is taking place on the photo or on a printout of the photo.
- Write a good 1 -2 paragraph description of what is taking place. Remember to use correct sentence structure and your vocabulary! Also please USE YOUR OWN WORDS – don’t copy exactly from your notes.
- 20 points each – you may do up to 4! The 4 do not have to be of each different type of lifting. You may repeat a type of air lifting, but they must be on different days.