Thursday, August 13, 2015
Hello and welcome to a new school year. This blog will no longer be used for Mrs. Hollister's Classes. Instead please go to www.terrascience.weebly.com.
Wed- Fri May 27-29, 2015
*Final Exams!*
- Turn in Earth Science Textbooks to Library
- Take Earth Science Final Exam - open note - you may use your study guide
- Take Earth Science 4th quarter benchmark exam
- DONE!!!
- Enjoy your summer and remember to get outside and have fun in our beautiful world!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
- Turn in Mystery Planet News articles and other papers
- Make a HAND WRITTEN STUDY GUIDE for the comprehensive final exam which is on Ch. 1-13, 17-25.
- The STUDY GUIDE must be
- Handwritten
- As many pages as you want
- Will be turned in after you take the test
- Topics covered will be the BIG IDEAS AND CONCEPTS / SKILLS FOR:
- Earth's Spheres
- Systems
- The scientific process
- Maps (Latitude & Longitude, Topographic Maps)
- Geologic Time
- Minerals and Crystals
- Rocks and the Rock Cycle
- Earth's Resources
- Weathering & Erosion
- Water and the Water Cycle
- Glaciers
- Earthquakes
- Plate Tectonics and Volcanoes
- Climate and Climate Change
- Big Bang, Solar Nebula and Stars
- Complete the study guide and study it!
Friday, May 22, 2015
**The Agenda for next week has changed!! There will be a final exam that covers the entire year of the course. Tuesday you have have the class time to develop a study guide that you may use on the final. Your study guide must be handwritten - not typed!!**
- Mystery Planet
- Group/Categorize Rock samples. Take photos of them for later use if you want.
- Make concept maps of each of the different groups of rocks similar to the one we did together in class.
- Use the concept maps to determine what you now know and can describe about this planet you have never been to.
- Use the Newspaper Template to write a newspaper article that explains to the public what we have learned about our mystery planet and how we know what we know.
- Include a diagram or picture that helps to explain what you know about the planet.
- TURN IN ON TUESDAY in this order:
- Newspaper article - 40 pts.
- Rock groups/descriptions - 20 pts.
- Concept Maps - 40 pts.
- Mystery Planet Activity!!
Thursday, May 21, 2015

- Discuss agenda for the rest of the year
- Award for Best Overall Project Grade
- Award for Best Story
- Size of the Planets group activity
- Organize your notebook - Due Tomorrow!
- Begin to study for Benchmark - Ch. 17-25 in the book.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
- Discuss Disaster Movie Expectations and return grades
- Second Chance on the Sun Model - make it better!!
- Continue to Improve your Sun Model if you decided to take it home
- Organize your notebook - Due Friday!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
- Work on Sun Models - Due at the end of class!
- Organize Notebook - due Friday!
Monday, May 18, 2015
*Still grading the Disaster Movie projects! Should be completed by Tuesday!*
*Sun Diagram Models are due at the end of class tomorrow!*
*Sun Diagram Models are due at the end of class tomorrow!*
- Discuss rules of Sun Model Diagram
final model:
•Should be a visual diagram (85% picture vs. 15% words) that should answer/explain the answer to the two following questions:•1. How does the Sun produce energy and how does the energy get to Earth?•2. How long will the Sun produce energy?•Should be done without the use of large paragraphs. However, small, short explanations of 1 or 2 sentences are ok.•Should be original enough in design and format that it would not be considered a copy of anyone else's. The best way to achieve this is simply to do your own original work.•Should not be plagiarized from the book or the internet in any way. Again, this is easy to achieve if you just do your own work.•Remember:••DO YOUR FIRST WORK IN PENCIL BEFORE YOU COLOR OR USE PEN!•Think about how the diagramatic models in the National Geographic magazines were constructed.•Think about what information you need to include – information that is not necessary will not improve your diagram and will often make it less effective.•Make everything neat and clear.•Use neat, careful writing.
- Work on models - due at the end of class tomorrow!
- Sun Diagram Model
- Organize your notebook - Due Friday!
Friday, May 15, 2015
*Still grading projects - should have them completed by Tuesday! Thank you for your patience. :) *
- Presentations for students who were absent.
- Work on Chapter 25.2 about Star Life cycles to help with the Sun Model on Monday
- Finish the Stellar Evolution diagram, the stars questions for Ch. 25.2 and the chart to help you think about how to make your model of the Sun in class on Monday.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
- Finish Disaster Movie Presentations
- Disaster Movie grades will not be complete until next week. It takes about 1 hour to grade each class, so please be patient! :)
- Begin Stellar Evolution diagrams to help you learn about the life cycle of stars
- Think about what you want to include and how you want to create your diagram model of the sun next week.
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